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Some days ago I told you about the Nisse kit I was going to start making. And I got the question what a Nisse is. I found this link about Nissen, so if you want you can read about him here.

My memory of Nissen is good. From I was a little child Nissen came with presents. One special memory is the christmas when my grandmother called on me and told me to look over at the barn. And on the barn bridge I saw a little light and there sat Nissen eating from his porridge bowl.

A famous Nisse illustrator is Kjell E Midthun and he comes from Elverum where I live. The next three photos is postcards made by him. Isn't Nissen cute. His postcards is very popular and they have become very attractive collector items.

I believe sending christmas cards is a world wide traditions and I found this link abot christmas cards. And if you look at this link you will find the norwegian version of this link. And here , here and here you can see a collection of old norwegian christmas cards. I love these old cards and regret not saving the one I have got before. After moving several times they have been thrown away. I think I will start to save beautiful cards in a cover from now on.

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