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Phantom #R-06, King Reading Library- Another Tale

Phantom# R-06
King/Charlton Comics
Cover: Sy Barry/ Bill Lignante
Script: Uncredited (original script by Bill Harris)
Pencils/Inks: Bill Lignante

From the same issue of King Reading Library as yesterday's post, a slightly revised version of "The Terror Tiger" ( I told you, The Phantom fights a LOT of jungle cats!) from King's Phantom #21. And speaking of Phantom #21, after a comment from the ever eagle-eyed Jungle Patrolman "The Dad Who Walks" aka Anthony, I did a little digging. Anthony spotted right away that the cover of King Reading Library R-06 was a composite of a Sy Barry Phantom piece and a piece of an interior panel by Bill Lignante. Anthony was not only dead on, but here's the Sy Barry art
in it's original context, Phantom #21!

The original Sy Barry cover from issue #21.

The composite cover from #R-06

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