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The Fifth Annual Painting Challenge

Well with editorial duties on Wargames Bloggers Quarterly handed over to "PK" , it was opportune for Curt to release the Fifth incarnation of his painting challenge with a theme of  Anti-Heroes, Rogues and Ruffians. he must have forgot to keep taking the tablets...mad fool!!

V image by GChiny @Deviantart

It's not been a greatly productive summer and autumn season in terms of miniatures , the lead pile has been steadily growing - so its time to clear that out. Having scored 3000 points last year, I am going for 2250 for now , as the early start will throw things a little for me as December will still be busy

 There are some interesting bonus rounds which I enjoyed last year, and i can think of 4 of them I can do without going too off track .

  • December 14: Cold - hmm... need to think
  • December 28: Mount(s) & Rider(s) - yes , but want to do something "different"
  • January 11: Victorian - sorted
  • January 25: Myth ... hmm.. need to think
  • February 8: Hot - sorted
  • February 22: Comedic - sorted
  • March 8: Anti-Hero  - sorted
Main themes for me this year will be Colonials for the Sudan, Gangsters, the odd cowboy,  and various bits of interest from the lead pile. If I need a ~"point bombe" I still have unpainted fuzzy wuzzies from last year..

With a chunk of preparation to do I have invested in a spray booth which I have been wanting for a while  , which has an electric fan and an extraction hose that will hang out of the window of the man cave.

The screens fold down , and it comes with a turntable ,spare packs of filters , and a 2m power chord which winds into the body when packing away.

 The project desk is starting to groan under the cleaned up lead - and I still have a box to open.. the Warbases order has arrived.. time to start full on prep work

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